I am Red/White
I am Red/White
Take The Magic Dual Colour Test - Beta today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.
I'm both chaotic and orderly. I value my own principles, and am willing to go to extreme lengths to enforce them, often trampling on the very same principles in the process. At best, I'm heroic and principled; at worst, I'm hypocritical and disorderly.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

"... tainted milk...
... is always new cheese..."

Here comes the time of recollect. I have managed to obtain serenity throughout a week of inactivity. Things were pretty eventful for the past 3 months and I was about to think that I would finally cave in. Maybe I needed it. Maybe I'm used to it. Maybe it have to happen.... maybe.

Repetitive... same occasions, different people. This truly justifies the reason for us to have resolutions every end of the year. Therefore I refuse to commit myself to the norm and hoping for some niche differences for any time to come. I am everything, but contented.

But I guess everyone will change. I remember how I used to disagree with my very first girlfriend that people don't change. I was wrong. They do change, or should I say evolved, through the personal experiences, knowledge acquired in order to better survive in the society. Even so, I feel different, think differently, act different and thus being... indifferent. Because I believe that deep down, you're just the same old milk from the same old cow.

That is still the same Jon behind that stupid mineral mask and a very expensive facial.

The same Jon behind the vivid graphic...
The same Jon after shedding his skin...

... why the hell I went and do that? Oh well... resolutions :P


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