"... no one deserves a second chance to start over...
... just an opportunity to make things right after..."
I have made a mistake. The mistake is ME.
In my discovery in uncovering the facts, I have found myself intertwine in a very twisted plot. A long chain of deceiving acts. Just when I thought I have the situation under control, I was actually a puppet, yanked to the mastermind's bidding.
... and they succeeded.
In my pursue to seek the balance in my life, I left myself naked. I was oblivious to the fact.
So, have I not done anything wrong?
I did...
... by leaving my guard down and being sincere.
... by being selfish so that I can make everyone happy.
... by lying so I won't hurt anyone but myself.
... by giving another chance to be abused by trust.
... by neglecting attention and handling it alone.
I did, and I won't deny it.
I did and I'm ashamed of it.
I did and I can't regret about it.
This has indeed proven that it only takes ONE fucking hand to clap. As the opposing side wins, it would not matter. This is because I believe that this statement is untrue...
"you cannot trust anybody in this world"
"trust everyone... as if they are your enemy"
Now, that's more like it ^.^