"... wake me up...
... when October ends..."

A night I spent with Joe at Steven's Corner in OUG, it came to me. How long has it been since I came here? How did it went by so fast?
It has been almost a week, since October. It still feel so close. So many has happened.
But I guess the good one always stays...

The early of the month started off like a maestro on a masterpiece. A rare celebration of the day I was born...

... with the only woman who managed to tolerate 8 years of a 27 year-old abomination...
... and of course the whole entourage of freakiest family members.

That was only the appetizers... did I mention the word freaky?

Then came the 3 men that made my life felt like a highway with tons traffic lights... literally...

This is the main reasons behind the anomaly of my life... yeah both of you should be proud.

... what did I say...

This is the 3 women... in which totally changed my perceptions on women entirely.
See... I did not lie...
... this video is not suitable for minors... as it is proven that the female specimen has indeed ee von, *cough, I mean evolved.
After the turbulence ended... with a lot of sumo bed fights...

... things have started to unwind and tuned down.

Trying to facade myself and be "normal"...
p/s: I hate weddings...

... but injuring myself in the process. Sprained shoulder and broken knuckle is definitely a great way to end the month.
Now I wonder... if these were the good ones, the bad ones could really mean something...
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