I am Red/White
I am Red/White
Take The Magic Dual Colour Test - Beta today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.
I'm both chaotic and orderly. I value my own principles, and am willing to go to extreme lengths to enforce them, often trampling on the very same principles in the process. At best, I'm heroic and principled; at worst, I'm hypocritical and disorderly.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

"... falling in love with yourself...
... is definitely the hardest love of all..."


You were never satisfied with the way you look. You wish you were taller, buffed. You wish that pimple or that scar would just go away. Or the extra meat on your belly would just end up either on your chest or arms.


She says you nag too much. She complaints that you are always late. You make no sense to her. She compares you to any Tom, Dick and Harry.


Now imagine... what if your other half is the exact replica of what you are? A metaphor that seemed so familiar, in which indeed has proven that it takes only Jesus to accept you for who you are. Sadly I was comfortable living with myself or I thought I was... and the reason maybe the case that you/I could not comprehend being alone without yourself.

Now all you/I have left to do is to accept... and pray that it does not eat you and I alive.


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