I am Red/White
I am Red/White
Take The Magic Dual Colour Test - Beta today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Personality Test Generator.
I'm both chaotic and orderly. I value my own principles, and am willing to go to extreme lengths to enforce them, often trampling on the very same principles in the process. At best, I'm heroic and principled; at worst, I'm hypocritical and disorderly.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

"... once bitten, twice shy...
... twice bitten, never try..."

I feel insecure, antagonizing fear...

Whom do you trust? What do you believe? Where are the facts?

It has never bothered me. I could not care less on what people think. People who knows me well enough, this does not affect me. Why? Sticks and stones may break my bones but words could never hurt me.

Perhaps it is because I'm an escapist.
Perhaps I'm denial.
Perhaps I love to manipulate.

They could believe what they wanted to believe. They could listen what they wanted to hear. They can look at what they saw... but they will never see...

Never see...
Never understand...
Never feel...

I cannot afford to be empathetic, no longer. Neither could I try to understand why...

Love me or hate me. I don't care... or maybe I stopped caring. I am for what I am.

Who are you to judge?


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